Open Records Request

To make an open records request to the Hazard Police Department, you must submit a written request to our Records Department. All requests must be signed  and include the requestors name, address, and phone number. Describe the record requested in detail (name, date, location, incident type). You can submit your requests via mail, email, fax, or hand deliver to the police department. You may use the provided form but it is not required. Open Records Request

Hazard Police Department
200 Main street
Hazard, Ky 41701
Fax: 606-439-0956

Accident Reports

Accident reports are avaliable to the following individuals:

1. Parties to the accident;
2. The parents or guardians of a minor who is party to the accident;
3. Insurers or their written designee for insurance business purposes of any party who is subject of the report;
4. The attorneys of the parties to the accident;
5. Any party to litigation who files with the department a request for the report and included a copy of the first page of a District or Circuit Court clerk-stamped complaint naming all parties; and
6. The department of Workplace Standards in the Labor Cabinet if the accident report.

To access your Accident Report go to

Civilian Accident Reports

Officers may advised partied to a Civilian Accident report if there are no injuries substained in the collision. Or if the vehicles in the collision have been moved prior to the officer's arival.  To complete a Civilian Accident report follow the link below to the Kentucky State Police website.

KSP Civilian Accident Report